The Supreme Court to settle the impact of fraud in divorce settlements

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The Supreme Court has been called upon to settle two cases of dishonesty within divorce proceedings pertaining to Alison Sharland and Varsha Gohil who were tricked by their respective ex-husbands.

It is the first time in a generation that the highest court in the land will hear cases on this issue. Specialist divorce lawyers at Irwin Mitchell, representing both women, hope that judges will seize the opportunity to show that dishonesty will not be tolerated in the family courts.

For an article on the facts of both cases, visit Family Law website Supreme Court to hear double divorce challenge.

According to both women, their ex-husbands misled them and the courts during divorce proceedings for failing to disclose an accurate portrayal of their financial situation.

These cases provide the ideal opportunity for the Supreme Court to take a strict stance on tackling fraud and dishonesty within divorce proceedings once and for all in order to prevent injustice.

The outcomes of these cases are very important, not only for situations where there are substantial funds, but also for those of more modest means.

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