Married couples unable to benefit from new tax break due to computer system

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A conservative policy, dating from April 2015 has implemented a transferable marriage tax allowance.

This policy applies to married couples and couples in civil partnerships and should allow an estimated four million couples who are lower rate taxpayers to transfer £1,000 of their personal tax allowance to their significant other.

For more information on the details and eligibility requirements of this government policy, please check the marriage tax allowance how does it work article on The Guardian.

However, despite registration now being open for this tax break, thousands – notably elderly and low income families – are missing out. This is mainly due to an overly confusing computer system asking for documents that cannot be produced causing couples to abandon the application. Such information includes details of credit cards, mortgages, passports and driving licences, some of which older couples could potentially lack. There has also been rejections due to applicants not having access to mobile phones on which to receive necessary security codes.

To see the full article, visit the Telegraph article Thousands miss out on marriage tax breaks due to confusing computer system.

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