Real life ‘First Wives Club’ Formed

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A group of divorcees have come together to form a group ‘the First Wives Club’, named after the 1996 film, staring Goldie Hawn, Bette idler and Diane Keaton.

However, this is a First Wives Club with a difference. Rather than seeking revenge on their former spouses, as in the film, this newly founded club (Formerly known as the Michelle Young Foundation) seeks to highlight injustices in the divorce system.

Michelle Young, Vivien Hobbs, and Janna Kremen founded the club following their divorces, as they believed that they unjustly suffered, as wish to help others avoid their fate, and change the system that let them down.

One of their aims is to tackle non-disclosure laws, which they claim “allow the earning spouse in a divorce to make bald-face lies about their assets”.

The divorcees claim that following their divorces they were left with ‘next to nothing’, as their ex-husbands hid the true scale of their personal wealth.

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson has said:

“Family courts require full disclosure of assets in divorce proceedings, separations and dissolutions of civil partnerships. If a party is found to have hidden assets from the court they can be charged with contempt of court, which can be punished by a fine or imprisonment.”

Read more about the First Wives Club.

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